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Commercial Maintenance - Redgate Services Redgate Property Services

Commercial Garden Maintenance Services in your suburb

All of our commercial and business lawn & garden care contracts begin with a detailed site inspection. Our team of experts will get to know the needs of your location, identify any shrub and flower problems, diagnose tree health or tree diseases, and note any past problem areas, from general lawn care to commercial irrigation. After this review, we assemble a customised plan to ensure your commercial landscape receives the dedicated attention it deserves. Our services include:


Healthy turf needs to be mowed regularly, at the right height and direction and with sharpened blades. And that’s not all that goes into maintaining a healthy lawn. We also provide services such as mechanical edging, aeration, and weed control to keep your property looking manicured.


If you need a new commercial irrigation system designed or just want an existing one mapped out, we’ve got the expertise to make it happen. Plus, we’ll maintain it. Just schedule three appointments once your system is installed: spring start-up, summer check-in and end of season shut-down.


There can be numerous moving parts when it comes to campus and commercial site management. Our goal is to make it easy for you to preserve the beauty of your landscape, whether that involves site monitoring, event clean up, pruning, or mulching.


After a consultation with us, trees and shrubs on your property will receive the necessary care, from corrective pruning, hedging, fertilisation and tree removal.


From season to season, we are happy to keep your flower beds and planters looking fresh. When it comes to flowers, our goal is to stimulate growth, strengthen plants and let your dreams blossom. Seasonal themes and colour change outs are available, plus weeding of garden beds.

Our 5 Star Reviews

We're Here To Help Grow Your Property!

Property Services

With our range of property care services covering anything you might need, we're proud to be your one-stop provider!

Affordable price

We aim to make our service as reasonably priced with a professional finish that rivals any of our competitors in the market.

Customer Service

We aim to understand the needs of each of our clients on a personal level to deliver the best services we possible could.

Always on Time

We pride ourselves on providing high quality and efficient property services every time. Always 100% satisfaction.