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Garden Clean Up - Redgate Services Redgate Property Services

Garden clean ups

We can transform your garden from tired and overgrown to healthy and manicured, using our specialized equipment and hard-working gardeners. At a glance, we intuitively know exactly what work needs to be carried out to have any garden looking great, thanks experience in a huge range of cleanups.

We can trim, prune and weed your property back to it’s best, cleaning up beds and shaping shrubs and hedges to give the clean lines and definition which is so appealing to the eye. Our gardeners are passionate, creative and work with a huge amount of attention to detail, ensuring we give your garden the best possible makeover.

Garden Clean up Services

  • Weeding, removal and prevention
  • Hedging, trimming and pruning
  • Garden bed tidying, cultivating by hand and or machine
  • Pressure cleaning of concrete and outdoor tiles
  • Lawn mowing maintenance
  • Ground coverings including mulching, organic compost, bark chips, pebbles etc

Garden clean ups are most often completed in one working day. Green waste and other materials are removed and disposed of in a correct manner, often taken to your local recycling transfer station. Green waste disposal fees are affordable and always included in the quoted price. No hidden fees.

Working to your budget

We appreciate people’s budgets and understand a large job may need to be broken down into more manageable chunks. In this case, we work with you to form a strategy, identifying your priorities and arranging for the tasks to be completed in an order that suits you.

Garden tidy ups

Garden tidy ups and garden renovations are best suited for,

  • Pre auction clean-up,
  • Tenants moving in or out
  • purchased a new home or
  • simply when your garden has just grown out of control

We’lll provide you with a well thought out, yet simple plan - demonstrating all stages required to perform your garden makeover.

Our 5 Star Reviews

We're Here To Help Grow Your Property!

Property Services

With our range of property care services covering anything you might need, we're proud to be your one-stop provider!

Affordable price

We aim to make our service as reasonably priced with a professional finish that rivals any of our competitors in the market.

Customer Service

We aim to understand the needs of each of our clients on a personal level to deliver the best services we possible could.

Always on Time

We pride ourselves on providing high quality and efficient property services every time. Always 100% satisfaction.