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Gutter Cleaning - Redgate Services Redgate Property Services

Don’t keep putting GUTTER CLEANING OFF!

Most of us are aware of the importance of regular gutter cleaning however it’s one of those things that is easily put off because we don’t always see it to remind us. The fact is the longer you leave your gutters full of leaves the more damage they can cause and the more it will cost you in the long run. Gutter Cleaning is one of the most important household maintenance jobs that needs to be done at least twice a year if you live near to trees. If you do not clean your gutters yourself or hire a professional, you will end up with a lot of problems with your home.

Reasons to keep those gutters clean:

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Should you install Gutter Guard??

We personally do not recommend having gutter guard installed. Unfortunately the guard still lets dirt through into the gutter which then can’t be cleaned out properly and often gets blocked up in the drains. It also allows weeds to grow from the dirt in the gutters through the gutter guard causing more issues.

How we clean your Gutters...

When we clean your gutters, we do it my getting onto your roof and removing the leaves and debris by hand into bags. We then put the waste into your green bin which enables us to keep the costs down as there are no tip fees attached to the price. While we are up there we can take photos of any damage to the gutters or roof to let you know if anything is needing repairs.

Our 5 Star Reviews

We're Here To Help Grow Your Property!

Property Services

With our range of property care services covering anything you might need, we're proud to be your one-stop provider!

Affordable price

We aim to make our service as reasonably priced with a professional finish that rivals any of our competitors in the market.

Customer Service

We aim to understand the needs of each of our clients on a personal level to deliver the best services we possible could.

Always on Time

We pride ourselves on providing high quality and efficient property services every time. Always 100% satisfaction.