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Lawn Care Program - Redgate Services Redgate Property Services

Eight-Step LAWN CARE Premium Program

Our Premium Program includes 8 lawn applications balanced to make your lawn look its very best.

Early spring

Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients for long-lasting colour and weed control.

Mid Spring

Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients for long-lasting colour and weed control.

Late Spring

Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients and weed control.

Grub Preventative

A preventative insecticide that stops grubs before they start.


Slow release fertilizer application and nutrients to combat summer stress.

Early Autumn

Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients and broadleaf weed control.

Mid Autumn

Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients and weed control including winter grass.

Late Autumn

Slow-release nitrogen fertilizer application to assist during winter.

Six-Step Performance Program

For homeowners who need just the early spring, spring, summer, fall and late fall applications.

Early spring

Slow release fertilizer application and pre-emergent weed control.


Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients for long-lasting colour and weed control.

Grub Preventative

A preventative insecticide that stops grubs before they start.


Slow release fertilizer application and nutrients to combat summer stress.


Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients and broadleaf weed control including winter grass.

Late Autumn

Slow release fertilizer application, micro-nutrients and weed control.

Our 5 Star Reviews

We're Here To Help Grow Your Property!

Property Services

With our range of property care services covering anything you might need, we're proud to be your one-stop provider!

Affordable price

We aim to make our service as reasonably priced with a professional finish that rivals any of our competitors in the market.

Customer Service

We aim to understand the needs of each of our clients on a personal level to deliver the best services we possible could.

Always on Time

We pride ourselves on providing high quality and efficient property services every time. Always 100% satisfaction.