Quality and Affordable Lawn Mowing Services in your suburb
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Redgate Property Services lawn mowing and lawn care experts will have your lawn looking tip top in no time at all with their expert lawn care. City of Wanneroo based Redgate Property Services makes sure that a thorough site inspection and strategy is initiated before a single blade of grass is removed.
Mowing and maintenance practices will greatly influence the overall health or lushness of your lawn, as well as weed pressure and colour.
The ‘Warm Season’ turf types we encounter in Perth such as Couch, Buffallo Grass and Zoysia will require mowing a minimum of 2 weekly in summer and 3 weekly in Winter.
Removing more than 30-50% of the grass height per cutting should be avoided at all costs, so regular mowing is the key. Insufficient mowing frequency will cause thin, weak turf that is vulnerable to weed pressure, disease and drought stress.
Regular mowing at the correct cutting height will return organic matter to the soil without smothering the grass. This allows the carbon cycle to take effect – Constantly building topsoil and fertilising your property.
REMEMBER – A healthy lawn is always growing in lush, fertile soil with active soil micro-biology… If your lawn is getting enough water, but isn’t thick and green – it may be time for a Fertilisation, Aeration, or Microbiology treatment.
Studies show that root depth has a huge influence on overall health and thickness of turf. The biggest driving factors behind root depth are often watering practices, mowing practices and soil compaction.
Deep watering will encourage deeper root growth and a more drought resistant lawn that requires less frequent watering. Shallow watering will lead over time to a shallow root base that is less tolerant of heat and drought conditions. We recommend watering your lawn deeply once or twice a week to encourage deeper root growth.
Mechanical Aeration can drive deeper root growth by reducing soil compaction, thus allowing greater amounts of oxygen, water and nutrients deeper into the soil. Regular aeration will produce a visually healthier turf and will maximise returns from fertilising, good mowing and watering practices.
An ideal lawn maintenance program should include regular mowing, weed control, fertilisation treatments, aeration, inoculation with beneficial microbes and sufficient watering.
We'll be offering the following additional services during Spring to assist with renovating your lawns.
Vertimowing is the process to remove excessive thatch that collects near the surface of a lawn. It removes all the thatch by cutting it away from the lawn, using a row of vertical blades to thin out the thatch, which is then thrown away.
Top Dressing is done to correct poor preparation and lack of soil underneath or to fill in low spots and correct uneven areas in the lawn. If your lawn is well fertilised, healthy and even, then you don’t need to worry about top dressing.
Studies show that root depth has a huge influence on overall health and thickness of turf. The biggest driving factors behind root depth are often watering practices, mowing practices and soil compaction.
Deep watering will encourage deeper root growth and a more drought resistant lawn that requires less frequent watering. Shallow watering will lead over time to a shallow root base that is less tolerant of heat and drought conditions. We recommend watering your lawn deeply once or twice a week to encourage deeper root growth.
Mechanical Aeration can drive deeper root growth by reducing soil compaction, thus allowing greater amounts of oxygen, water and nutrients deeper into the soil. Regular aeration will produce a visually healthier turf and will maximise returns from fertilising, good mowing and watering practices.
An ideal lawn maintenance program should include regular mowing, weed control, fertilisation treatments, aeration, inoculation with beneficial microbes and sufficient watering.
It’s time to apply a wetting agent to strengthen your lawn before the Perth summer heat.
✓ Overcome water repellence & save water
✓ Reduces water loss from evaporation & run-off
♥ Spring Wetting Agent Special $30 per application
This is the critical time of year to give your lawn a balanced, slow release feed. Fertilising now provides the nutrients to reinvigorate the lawn so it can power into summer.
♥ Spring Fertiliser Special $30 per application
* Please note that prices listed are for 2 weekly during summer and 3 weekly during winter and subjected to some terms and conditions.
With our range of property care services covering anything you might need, we're proud to be your one-stop provider!
We aim to make our service as reasonably priced with a professional finish that rivals any of our competitors in the market.
We aim to understand the needs of each of our clients on a personal level to deliver the best services we possible could.
We pride ourselves on providing high quality and efficient property services every time. Always 100% satisfaction.